1533 products were found in the following 2 mediums:
Paintings - Acrylic (1533)  
7 Pages Total
Page 1 of 7  
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Buildings - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$200
Entertainment/CelebritiesWhoopiKeith GarlettsPaintings - Acrylic$225
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Sounds I Remember - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$250
Childrens Art/Advertisement ArtGravy Train Ad 1970sBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$300
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Wizard - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$300
Comic Art/AshAsh Volume 1 Issue 5 - Various PagesBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$300
Horror/CelebritiesPeter CushingKevin DoblerPaintings - Acrylic$300
Portraits/Science FictionLexxMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$300
Childrens Art/Book InteriorWonderful Wild AnimalsBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$325
Comic Art/AshAsh Volume 1 Issue 5 - various pagesBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$350
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Warm HearthGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$350
Holidays/ChristmasA Christmas CarolWalt SturrockPaintings - Acrylic$350
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Village - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$400
Childrens Art/Book InteriorWonderful Wild Animals - OctopusBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$450
Abstract/ExpressionismPuréed OrchidBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$500
Childrens Art/Book InteriorChildren's Book Illustration - 3Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$500
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.City Painting Pulse of the City - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$500
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Wonderful Wild Amimals - Koalas and Sloths - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$500
Classics/Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaCaptain NemoRon MillerPaintings - Acrylic$500
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - The North StarGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$500
Horror/CelebritiesJohnny DeppKevin DoblerPaintings - Acrylic$500
Classics/Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaThe FlightRon MillerPaintings - Acrylic$525
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Children - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$600
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Christopher Colombus 1972 Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$600
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Golden Books 1970sBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$600
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Pompeii - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$600
Comic Art/AshAsh Volume 1 Issue 5 - page 15, 16-17 artBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$600
Abstract/ExpressionismChaos EntwinedBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$650
Abstract/ExpressionismMasqueBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$650
Abstract/ExpressionismThe Wreck of the HesperusBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$750
Childrens Art/Childrens Book Ill.Wonderful Wild Animals - Zebras and Giraffes - Holt Reinhart and Winston Reader 1971Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$750
Comic Art/AshAsh Volume 1 Issue 5 - Page 13Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$750
Comic Art/AshAsh Volume 1 Issue 5 - Pages 14-15Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$750
Fairy Tales/Aesop FablesThe Vixen and the LionessWalt SturrockPaintings - Acrylic$750
Fantasy/Book CoverPictish ChildMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$750
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - The Elves Welcome YouGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$750
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Toy SoldierGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$750
Entertainment/WrestlingUndertaker and Stone Cold compGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$800
Childrens Art/Fairy TalesThe Ugly DucklingDennis CarmichaelPaintings - Acrylic$850
Classics/Gallery PieceTarzanMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$950
Fantasy/KrullKrull - Quest #2Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$950
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Cast of CharactersGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Elves CheerGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahTiny Flickering LightsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1000
Impressionistic/Gallery PieceDandelion FieldKeith GarlettsPaintings - Acrylic$1200
Fantasy/Gallery PieceWarhammerKeith GarlettsPaintings - Acrylic$1250
Fantasy/Gallery PieceEruption of TheraRon MillerPaintings - Acrylic$1500
Harry Potter/Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter - Caput DraconisKeith GarlettsPaintings - Acrylic$1500
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - FrontispieceGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1500
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahMagic of DreydlGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1500
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahMi YemalelGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1500
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahMy DreydlGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1500
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahYmey HaHanukahGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p37Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1750
Abstract/ExpressionismGenerating a SunriseBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$1800
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p23Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1800
Entertainment/Pre-Production ArtThe Spirit - Pre-Production Art #2Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1800
Fantasy/Gallery PieceGolden DragonMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$1800
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p6Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$1850
Abstract/ExpressionismDream TravelerBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Abstract/ExpressionismSubconscious EnergyBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$2000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p14Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p7Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Entertainment/Pre-Production ArtThe Spirit - Pre-Production Art #3Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahKindle the TaperGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahThe Joy of GivingGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Magic The Gathering/FantasyWhite KnightKeith GarlettsPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Religious/ReligiousIn the GardenGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2000
Abstract/ExpressionismIgnoranceBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$2250
Abstract/ExpressionismTwo FaceBrian WolfsonPaintings - Acrylic$2250
Childrens Art/Fairy TalesThe Bremen Town MusiciansJoe BoddyPaintings - Acrylic$2500
Classics/Davy and the GoblinCow with a Crumpled HornGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p16Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p28Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p44Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
Fantasy/Pre-Production ArtLANBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahMattathiasGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Page 1Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Page 44Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2500
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 24-25Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2800
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p9Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$2850
Childrens Art/ClassicJack and the Beanstalk - SET (14)Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classic Cars/AutomobilesReflections of the Past- 1956 Bel AirGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classic Cars/AutomobilesSilver Streak- 1951 Pontiac ChiefGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/Alice In WonderlandBil the LizardGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/Alice In WonderlandThe Owl & the PantherGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinRobinson Crusoe Keeps WatchGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinThe Elastic SpringGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinThe Layovers Are Set FreeGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/DraculaArthur Loses Lucy ForeverGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/DraculaDr. Van Helsing Uncovers the NightmareGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/DraculaNightmare or RealityGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/DraculaThe Borga PassGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Classics/Phantom of the OperaComforting a FriendGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p15Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p27Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p39Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Entertainment/FantasyQEDGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - By the Chimney with CareGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Visions of Sugar PlumsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahBlessings Over the LightsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Horror/Heavy MetalWiredMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Horror/Product ArtRe-AnimatorMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 10-11Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Star Wars/Shadows of the EmpireGuri Turns the TablesBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 26-27Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3200
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 38-39Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3200
Childrens Art/AladdinThe Door to the TreasureGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Childrens Art/AladdinThe Evil WizardGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Childrens Art/AladdinThe Genie of the LampGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/Alice In WonderlandThe FootmenGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/Phantom of the OperaThe Counts ComplaintGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/Phantom of the OperaThe Persians SilenceGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/PinocchioSwallowed by the DogfishGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/PoeCandlelightGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/PoeSubstitution of the HeartGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/PoeThe Black Cat -The Eyes of DeathGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/Wizard of OZThe Kalidahs AttackGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p11Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p12Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p25Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p30Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p43Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Entertainment/Pre-Production ArtThe Spirit - Pre-Production Art #1Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Entertainment/WrestlingThe RockMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Fantasy/Book CoverMountains of ChannadranGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Fantasy/Book CoverThe Troll`s GrindstoneGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3500
Classics/DraculaThe CrossGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3800
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 28-29Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$3800
Classics/Davy and the GoblinDavy Meets Robin HoodGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinDavy Meets the CockalourumGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinThe Hole Keeper`s VacuumGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/DraculaArthur Frees His Loves SoulGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/DraculaThe Count Takes MinaGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/DraculaThe Demonic Fury of DraculaGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/DraculaThe Pillar of MistGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Fairy TalesPolyphemus, the CyclopsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Fairy TalesRumplestiltskinGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Peter PanSecret House UndergroundGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Peter PanTinkerbell on a Leaf.Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/Phantom of the OperaThe Fiery VisageGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Classics/PoeRevengeGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Comic Art/Pre-Production ArtFly vs Spider SpryBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p10Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p29Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p32Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p33Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Fantasy/AtlantisMeeting of the MindsBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahSpecial TreatsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 12-13Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 20-21Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 2-3Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 32-33Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis Pages 6-7Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Religious/ReligiousSmell the FlowersBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
September 11 Tribute/Comic ArtMarvel Tribute - A Time for Heroes - To benefit the 911 disaster relief fundBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4000
Comic Art/Pre-Production ArtMotorcycle ChaseBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4500
Fantasy/Pre-Production ArtThe Card GameBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4500
Marvel/Comic Book CoverTreasure Island Cover #6Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$4500
Childrens Art/AladdinThe Treasure VaultGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Alice In WonderlandIn the Dutchess`s KitchenGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Collector Plate ArtRomeo and JulietGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinDavy Rescues the Old Sea DogGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Davy and the GoblinFeather Duster ForestGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/DraculaThe Count Destroys RenfieldGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/DraculaThe Count PerishesGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/DraculaThe Loss of a FriendGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Gods and GoddessesZeusGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Peter PanThe Final FightGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Phantom of the OperaPreparing to Stalk the PhantomGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Phantom of the OperaThe Lovers are Torn ApartGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/PinocchioDonkey on DisplayGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/PinocchioGorilla JudgeGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/PoeOval Portrait - Deaths PeaceGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/PoeThe Pit and The PendulumGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/PoeThe Premature BurialGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Wizard of OZScarecrow Meets OzGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p26Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p34-35Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p40-41Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p48Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p8Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman: Last God of Krypton pg. 1Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Fantasy/AtlantisEkedadhimBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Fantasy/MerlinThe Prince of DarknessGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahLighting the First CandleGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahThe MenhoraGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Horror/FantasyFrom the Depths of HellJean ScroccoPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Illustrated Books/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Santa and UnicornGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Kid Stuff/PhotorealismUncle Sam - Carnival Prize 1942Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Marvel/Comic ArtX-Men 2099 Oasis cover #2Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Marvel/Comic ArtFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Marvel/Comic Book CoverTreasure Island Cover #3Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Marvel/Comic Book CoverTreasure Island Cover #5Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Marvel/MasterpiecesBloody MaryBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Religious/ReligiousThe Creation of AdamBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5000
Classics/Phantom of the OperaRaoul Faces the PhantomGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5500
Classics/PoeDr. Tarr & Professor FeatherGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5500
Fantasy/MerlinThe Betrayal at TintagelGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5500
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Deck the HallsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$5500
Classics/Fairy TalesHansel And GretelGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Gods and GoddessesHeraGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Peter PanThe Darlings Dance In the NurseryGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Phantom of the OperaThe Dancers DismayGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Robin HoodHand to Hand FightingGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Robin HoodRobin and MarianGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Robin HoodStraight Flew His Answering ShaftGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/Robin HoodThus Was Master Middle Left in the LurchGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Comic Art/AshCovenant vs Ash Wrap Around CoverBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Comic Art/Pre-Production ArtThe Fly TransformationBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
DC/Comic ArtBatman What If Van GoghMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Entertainment/WrestlingStone Cold The Skulls BattleMark RomanoskiPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Fairy Tales/Gods and GoddessesApolloGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Fantasy/MerlinThe Giants DanceGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - CoverGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Santa PointsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - The Baby Lies in a MangerGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Holidays/A Christmas TreasuryA Christmas Treasury - Tidings of Great JoyGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahMiracle of the Holy LampsGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Marvel/X-Men OasisOasis coverBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6000
Classics/PinocchioThe Great CrabGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6500
Classics/Wizard of OZArmy of OZGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$6500
Classics/PinocchioMagic Wood SpeaksGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$7000
Classics/PoeAnnabel LeeGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$7000
Classics/Robin HoodMan and WifeGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$7000
Classics/Alice In WonderlandAlice & the PigeonGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/DraculaJohnathan Dreams of the VampiresGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/DraculaThe Circle of the HostGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/Peter PanPeter Wakens Mrs. DarlingGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/PinocchioAt The Red CrawfishGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/PinocchioFire Eater the TyrantGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/PinocchioGeppetto Rescues PinocchioGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/PoeDream in a DreamGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/Robin HoodFigure of a Tall Black KnightGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/Wizard of OZWinkies Repair the TinmanGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Comic Art/Comic Book CoverGatecrasherGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Comic Art/Comic Book CoverWarlord of Mars Attacks Issue 5 CoverGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
DC/Last God of KryptonSuperman p13Brothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Entertainment/WrestlingStone Cold vs the UndertakerGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Fantasy/AtlantisAerial of SolanBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Fantasy/AtlantisAtlantis City LightsBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Fantasy/AtlantisKaleaha - UNUSEDBrothers HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Fantasy/Calendar ArtMithras and the White BullGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Fantasy/MerlinThe DragonGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Fantasy/MerlinThe Holy GrailGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Holidays/Treasures of ChanukahMattathias Pulls Down the AltarGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Marvel/Comic Book CoverTreasure Island Cover #4Greg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Pinup Art/7th EditionBlonde TigerGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Portraits/PortraitsGreg Hildebrandt Self-PortraitGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8000
Classics/Robin HoodHe Bore a Golden HarpGreg HildebrandtPaintings - Acrylic$8500

7 Pages Total
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