SELECT artlist.sku, artlist.prodname, artlist.artist, artlist.medium, artlist.price, artlist.qoh, artlist.catagory, artlist.subcatagory, artlist.originalprice, thumb FROM artlist WHERE Discontinued is null AND (medium = 'Paintings - Acrylic') AND ((search LIKE '%' + 'kong' +'%')) ORDER BY Available DESC, qoh DESC, sort, price, catagory, subcatagory, artist, prodname
Image | Category/Subcategory | Title | Artist | Medium | Price | | Fantasy/Commissioned Art |   King Kong | Greg Hildebrandt | Paintings - Acrylic | $5000 | | Entertainment/What If |   What If? - King Kong | Greg Hildebrandt | Paintings - Acrylic | $60000 |